Tragic events in Japan in the first week of the new year
Jan 2, 2024 1:59 PM
Earthquake in Ishikawa, Japan
A major earthquake hit Japan in the early hours of the New Year causing widespread damage. The quake caused several tsunamis to hit the region shortly after. Our thoughts are with the victims who lost their homes, their lives, or ones they loved. Responders are rushing to the area to rescue those who are trapped in homes or in buildings that collapsed from the original earthquake and the aftershocks.
The quake happened in Western, Ishikawa, Japan (North and West of Tokyo) in a region that CIS Abroad students do not visit regularly. Though Japan is very prepared for earthquakes, the devastation from this quake has been very bad, with many homes collapsing. Relief efforts will continue for the next several days as there are some people trapped in their homes. This story is receiving a lot of international media attention. Here is more information on the earthquake. There is no indication that any CIS Abroad student was traveling in the region of the quake at the time it struck. CIS Abroad’s Japan based staff are reaching out to all of our Fall 2023 students, who remain on-site through February, to ensure that they are supported.
Hadeda Airport Plane Collision
Another tragedy struck Japan very late in the day on the 2nd of January, 2024. There was a collision of two airplanes at the very busy and centrally located Haneda airport in Tokyo. A Japan Coast Guard plane was going to assist earthquake victims in Ishikawa when it collided with a JAL domestic passenger plane at Haneda airport. The domestic flight was inbound from Hokkaido. Luckily there were no fatalities on the domestic flight with over 350 passengers on board, and there were only a few casualties. The JAL plane burst into flames after all passengers had been successfully evacuated. Tragically, there were fatalities on the Coast Guard’s plane. Our sympathies go out to all who were involved in or connected to the victims of this catastrophe, especially the families of those who lost their loved ones on the Coast Guard plane.
Hokkaido is a popular spot for CIS Abroad students to visit, but no students are reported to have been traveling to the northern island at this time. Here is more information about the airplane collision in Tokyo.
CIS Abroad Japan based are reaching out to all students who remain in Japan to ensure that all are safe and supported.